What happens when a cannabinoid enters your body?
When a phytocannabinoid enters your body for instance CBD it has an affinity for certain receptors. Of course CBD has an affinity for cannabinoid receptors but also for other receptors in the body for example the 5-HT, A2A, TV1 and many more receptors not listed. But how do these cannabinoids interact with our bodies and these receptors?
Very similar to a lock and key system whereas the phytocannabinoid is the key and the receptors are the locks. (Receptors are made from an alpha helix protein and are located on the exterior of the cell attached to G-proteins ready to interact with neurotransmitters and cannabinoids.) The receptor receives this phytocannabinoid which then changes the shape of the alpha helix protein which in turn then changes the shape of the coupled G-protein. (The G-protein is located on the inside of the cell attached to the receptor.) The G-protein than sends a different signal back to the alpha helix protein (Receptor) which changes shape to transmit a different neurotransmission to a different cell repeating this process creating a cascade of events eventually ending up with the effects of cannabis.